How should new users use sounds and what should they pay attention to before using them?


Cock sounding, known also as urethral play or urethral sounding, it’s the practice of inserting toys in your peehole and down your urethra to feel pleasure.
Maybe you have seen someone here on Twitter doing that, or maybe your favourite pornstar sounding in some videos, but it is sure that there is more than one thing you have to know before starting as a newbie in order to not hurt yourself!
Let’s dive into it!

First, a couple of things you may want to know

●if done properly, cock sounding has no direct long term efcts on how you urinate;
●your urethra will go back to its original size if you do it weekly or with a lower frequency;
●your urethra can be dilated to accept progressively bigger toys if you sound frequently, this is part of the fun!
●the way it feels is stricly subjective, and it can be afcted by your sexual tastes, your sensitivity to pain and your openness to experience it;
●the risks coming from this procedure lay in hurting yourself with the object or pssbilityt of urinary tract infections (UTIs). In order to avoid them read carefully this guide!


You should avoid cock sounding if you have:
●any abnormal discharge coming out of your urethra; . an active outbreak of a sexually trasmitted infections (STI) such as herpes or gonorrhea;
●frequent UTIs;
●previous injuries to your urethra;
●a prostate condition like prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and so on.


Iwant to clarifty thatl am not a doctor. This guide does not contain any medical advice, and | am not entitled to give you any. As many sexual (and not) activities, cock sounding is not risk-free, which means you are doing it at your own risk. This guide has the aim to minimize the possbility of damages, alowing you to sound as safely as possible. Please be aware of your health conditions before doing it, as from the previous list; if you are not sure, consult your doctor. Butl do not want to scare you, done properly cock sounding can be a pleasing activity, S0 go on reading to find out more!

First method: the best way to clean properly an object is to serilie it through bilig. Bring a big enough pan of water to a boil and dive completely the toys inside. Let them boil for about 15 mins, not less then 10, since the reprise of biling (gentle bilig is enough, no need for lots of bubbles). This must be done always before using anew toy, and it is a good practice doing it every time before sounding. Take care also to avoid Cross-Contamination: after cleaning the object put it on the inner face of a paper towel and handle it only after carefully cleaning your hands. You can also wear sterile latex gloves for a better hygiene.

Second way to clean your toys is faster, but less accurate. lt is divided in 3 phases: 1) wash them with water and soap; 2) rub them with cotton wool or disc covered in either rubbing alcohol (the one you use for wounds, not the one for house cleaning), hydrogen peroxide or povidone iodine (both of them can be found in pharmacy without prescription). Make sure to rub them entirely and use another piece of cotton wool to remove the excess completely, 3) fnally, wash them with running water one last time to be sure to remove any residual. TBN if you leave in a country in which tap water quality is dubious then avoid the last step or use bottled water. Do this every time before and atter playing. UTls ain’t fun.


THE LUBE For your safety the lube, as everything else, should be sterile. On Amazon you can easily find serilied lube, remember to check the expiration date and, most important, the duration once opened which can be found witten inside the icon of a sallja (PaO symbo);: the number refers to how many months it will be preserved after opening. 12M Remember also to throw away the initial portion of the lube when you use it again after some days. Avoid silicone based or scented lubes (like classical anal lubes) because they iritate your urethra, and in general any non-sterile lube. Finally, do not use desensitizing lubes (ike lidocaine based), cause you cannot feel properly what is going on and stop before hurting yoursef in case.


As for the toys, we have to consider the fact that some of the readers of this guide will not be able to get themselves a sterilized lube. So, again, | will talk about possible alternatives, strongly reminding thatI am advising against using unsafe alternatives, S0 you do it at your own risk.
●Saliva is the most widely used alternative due to its good viscosity (and, of courSe, availability); sill, it tends to dry easily and is full of bacteria. Be sure to not have any infectious mouth disease when you are using it as a lube in order to avoid spreading the infection, but remember that even if flly healthy many bacteria are present.
●Precum can be an alternative, but this is viable only for people who produce lots of it. Being produced in the urethra itself is safer from the point of view of bacteria, but usually has not enough lubing capabilit and dry out too soon.

INSERTING THE ROD Before starting, take some time to clean your cock head, especially the region around your peehole, with soap and warm water in order to remove bacteria from the area. Take care not to let some s0ap go into your urethra or it will burn a lot, and do not use rubbing alcohol directly on your mucosa. Also, it is important to drink a glass of water since it will help you urinate aftrwards. Get yourself comfortable, do not do this when you are in a rush. Prepare your -crystal clean- toys, the lube and a towel or some paper tssue to clean if necessary. As already said, best sie to start is the one which matches your peehole. Avoid excessively thin rigid oiects, they may scratch you. As a rule of thumb, 6 mm sounds should be a good starting point, but the final choice is up to you.

Start puting a good quantity of lube on your cock head, diretly on your peehole. If you want, you can push some serilied lube inside, it will ease the process. Then, put a generous quantity of lube on your toy as well. During the first insertion, try not to force the rod inside. Heavy toys, like steel ones, will likely slide in by themselves thanks to gravity. Ifthe toy stops, try to shake gently your cock until it moves again, or take it out and add more lube. You might feel a mild burning sensation, especially at the base of your cock head:itis perfectly normal, it will get better with time. When you are happy with how far it is in, you can either jerk off lightly with the rod in, or gently move it in and out. Remember to go slow and to listen to your body: every wrong sensation like excessive burning, pain, pinch and S0 on isa warning sign to stop, take the toy out and maybe try again if you felelike it.

Bending the cock downward or in a way to straighten it can help penetration, especially if you are really hard. The deeper you go past the base of your penis, the more urethra bends upwards; thus, a straight metal rod will not go past this point, while a silicone sound long enough will curve to fllow it towards prostate and bladder. As you start, | suggest you to not focus on going deep and, in case, to read the section dedicated to deep sounding.


Everyone has its own prefrences, from going deeper to gtting thicker, but, as a beginner, try to focus on the sensation, and do not exaggerate with long sessions from the beginning alow your cock to get used to it. Also, you or your partner can put lips around the toy and hum to vibrate the inside of the urethra. lIfyou feel like it, you can gently push it deeper, always taking care not to feel sudden sting or pain, which are sign to stop and go back. Someone can easily take a whole rod inside, others struggles more. Just take your time and do not try to imitate what expert sounders do. Once you are done, gently take it out: going slow is always the key. Then, pee right away: this is really important to remove the bacteria from inside, S0 do it as Soon as you can, or within an hour since you finished.


Peeing is very important, S0 do not skip it | am not gonna lie, first time you pee you may feel a burning or stinging sensation: do not be scared. It is uncomfortable, I know, but it will stop right after you stop peeing and will last just one day or two at maximum (usualy the morning after is almost all gone). Every time you will go peeing it will get better, and drinking water will help you recover sooner. Remember also to clean your hands, your cock and your toys before putting them away. If you fllow this procedure you will be safe and sound (ha-ha).

Finally, a quick remark, if you notic: pain ●numbness ●cold sensation around the genitals or throughout your body ●unusual change of color of the genital area such as becoming pale ●redness ●bleeding then pull the toy out and stop right away. This is not ocurring usually, S0 don’tbe intimidated, but it is important to be prepared, just in case.


Of course, today’s sharing ends here. I hope it will be helpful to bros who want to learn and try sounds. You can bookmark my website. I will update more articles about sounds at any time.